Books worth reading to students

The Boy with Pink Hair

The Boy With Pink Hair - Perez Hilton, Jenn Hill

I found this book while I was bargain shopping one day. At first glance, I thought this book would not be very good just because the topic seemed so crazy to me at the time. After I read the book, I definitely changed my mind.  I literally judged a book by it's cover. This happens to be the same ideal the story focuses on. I think that this book would be great for third and fourth graders. It has an ATOS level of 3.7. It covers the topic of bullying, peer pressure, and gender stereotyping in a light hearted way while also using more advanced language. It would be a great way to open the door to a discussion about gender equality and even teamwork. Wits has a great activity to use an extension to this book. The teacher could pair students with partners of the opposite sex. Each pair could discuss talents or things that make their partner unique. The students could write three to five sentences about things that make their partner unique and illustrate them. They could share these with the class and also display them on a bulletin board. This could promote a loving environment for all students in the class.