Books worth reading to students

Penny and Jelly

Penny & Jelly: The School Show - Maria Gianferrari, Thyra Heder

I found this book one day while I was bargain shopping and fell in love with it. There are so many children out there who feel they do not have a talent. This book speaks right to those children. I would read this book to any grade but the ATOS level is 2.3. I came across one of those first few days of school activities on Pinterest where students wrote a little paper booklet about things they were good at. I believe this activity would be a wonderful extension to do after reading this book. Students could write the following phrase on each page of their booklet and illustrate it: "I am good at ___________." This would be a great way to show students that they are all talented in different ways and each are important. After all of the booklets are made, students could have a book reading party where each got to share their talents.